domingo, 28 de junio de 2009

Venice - The Darlin Buds

Para actualizar un poco aquí les dejo la letra de Venice y mas abajo el vídeo :)

You broke down my walls

You burnt all my bridges
You played with my mind
You re-opened the stitches

You got blood on your hands
There's blood in your kisses
I hate this so much
Now sleep with the fishes

You sold it all for the price of a kiss
You got rid of friendship and love
You're so selfish
You sold it all for the price of a kiss
You sold it all for the price of a kiss

I think you should know
The pain it's been causing
It seeps through my veins
And attacks without warning

I was in the next room
While you were debauching
I hate this so much
Don't lie and be boring

You sold this all for the price of a kiss
You got rid of friendship and love
You're so selfish
You sold it all for the price of a kiss
You sold it all for the price

(guitar solo)

You sold it all for the price of a kiss
You got rid of friendship and love
You're so selfish
You sold it all for the price of a kiss
You sold it all for the price of a kiss
In venice

espero que les guste!

saludos a todas!

Send "Venice" Ringtone to your Cell

lunes, 8 de junio de 2009

Lo dijo Jamie un día.

Jamie no es solo una cara bonita... parte de su encanto es que dice cosas muy divertidas... y aca encontre algunas de la época de Sweeny Todd

“I’m not sure why Tim (Burton) makes so many movies about hair. Maybe it’s because he needs a cut so badly himself."

"He's such a dick for being so cool, he's just the coolest guy ever." [refiriendose a Johnny Depp]

"[Sondheim] was there. It was horrifying. I mean, he's a really nice guy -- really, really cool, and obviously he knows his shit -- but having him there I was just so nervous."

"I grew up with Johnny and Tim's films -- like Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow -- when I was first realizing that I really liked films and understood what a good film was."

"That's not to say that I was a badass, because I wasn't."

"Like Anthony, I’ve been known to steal a girl or two, and break out into song. I fall in love very easily… very Hollywood.”

"I’d rather be seen as a good actor than a poster boy. I never really thought it would come as a break like this, I really thought that I would have to work so much harder."

“I’m going to cry until I get another job. I want to do more movies. I feel like it's a totally different skill set than there is to theater. It's much more internal. I'm an extrovert, I like to gesticulate and talk loud and stuff, and the theater is easy for me. I can go up there and spread my legs and go, 'Here I am'. Oh, don’t get that wrong. Whereas in cinema you have to be much more thoughtful, and I find that a lot more challenging.”

"People don’t get it, they think I’m rich. I’m not! I have no money!"

"I think I always sort of had the calling. That sounds so fucking generic and cheesy, but it’s true! I always had the idea that I wanted to perform. I love being the center of attention—and I always love talking about myself."

“I think I wee’d myself. I was out shopping at the time and I got this call on my mobile. I was just like 'OH MY GOD!' Honestly, I was like a little girl running around this shop like oh-my-god-oh-my-god-oh-my-god.” [cuando le contaron que tenía el papel e Anthony en Sweeney Todd]

“It was a bit like being at a dinner party where you knew nobody but you kind of laugh along with the jokes you don’t understand. Seeing Tim and Johnny work together is very special. They have almost their own language … like when you have your best friend and you know what they’re going to say before they say it. So they can get one word out before bursting into laughter. Which is funny sometimes and other times you’re like, God, I wish I knew what was going on. It’s like, you lost me when you said ‘the’ at the beginning of the sentence.”

“He’s almost got a form of dyslexia where it’s difficult for him to say what he’s thinking—but you can see him working it out in his mind. I’ve got a mild form of dyslexia myself. I think I understood what he was trying to say—that was helpful, actually, one dyslexic to another.” [Refiriendose a Tim Burton]

"He was constantly baiting the makeup girl. Hilarious." [Sobre Sascha Baron Cohen]

Sobre Johnny Deep y refiriendose a que sólo una persona lo reconoció en la calle: "He was smiling and being good about it, but I felt sorry for him,” he said. “People don’t understand he’s not a superhero—he’s just this great guy. I don’t think it will happen [to me] soon, or happen at all. I’m just on the train for the ride." Luego un paparazzi le grita Jamir pa llamar su atención, el posa para unas fotos y dice "That’s two."

Traducción en proceso.



viernes, 5 de junio de 2009

Biografia ^^

Bueno...haber iva yo buscando y bagando por internet cuando encontre la "biografia" de super cortiiita pero encontre tan tan pero tan cool que le hubieran subido una biografia en me dieron ganas de compartirla...asique...aqui la tienen :

Comenzo su carrera cuadno Laura Michelle Kelly, actriz y cantante inglesa amiga de su familia, le presento a su agente. Fue Miembro del National Youth Music Theatre (NYMT) , organizacion para jovenes artistas de teatro musical dedicada a la estimulacion y produccion de sus miembros mediante talleres de formacion y audiciones. En el año 2007 hizo su debut en la pantalla grande interpretando a Anthony Hope en la adaptacion cinematografica del musical sweeney todd.

En 2009 fue elegido para interpretar Cayo en Luna Nueva. Tambien ha sido confirmado para intepretar a Geller Grindewald en Harry Potter y Las Reliquias de la Muerte.

Es suuuper cortita...pero no se preocupen!!! ya ira crecieno de a poco... ^^

Y bueno...ese ha sido mi Aporte al Blog ^^
Besos, Eclipse *.*

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

Jamie`s Gallery

Bueno la idea se entiendo sola... acá las imagenes para el deleite visual...

Campaña psicopateo a Jamie y Michael

Ya saben que tenemos nuestra linda campaña para que los Brit Boys de las peliculas de Twilight Saga se saquen una foto juntos...

Comenten el twitter de Michael y a Jamie con la foto de arriba para que alguno vea y nos haga ese favorcito, este es el link de la foto.

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009

Darling Buds

Jamie tiene un grupo musical, estilo muy ingles. personalmente me gusta mucho... es mi estilo de musica y sumenle tipos washones.. todo bien. Tan empezando pero ya tiene sus seguidores... Jamie canta y toca la guitarra, Jordan Spiers toca el bajo y Dan "Damdom" Smith se encarga de la batería.
Ya tiene su primer video "Cities Alive"


Recuerden que todos los miembros del team podremos ir haciendo entradas y comentarios en el blog. Lo unico que se exige es ser miembro del team y que se contacten con la team lider (Burguesita) para solicitar la clave del blog.

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Si comentan también pongan su nick del foro.

Queda prohibido editar entradas que no se hayan hecho personalmente.

Cualquier problema que haya entre usurias por favor mandar mp comunicandolo a Burguesita y a quienes se indicarán mas adelante acá mismo.

Si alguien tiene mas sugerencias de como funcionar mejor vaya poniendolas acá como comentario.
